What Does “Deep Tissue” Really Mean?

The body is incredibly complex and harmoniously balanced.  It’s quite remarkable when you get down to the cellular level how deep the body and its systems go.  When it comes to the muskulo-skeletal system, the layers are just as delicate and refined, and not just something to dig an elbow as deep as possible into.

So, what is deep tissue massage?  Deep tissue is a massage modality that focuses on releasing knots and tension (and beyond) in deeper layers of muscle within the body, beneath the superficial muscles. Knowledge of the muscle directions, layers, and tendon attachments is required to properly access the deeper problem areas.

When deep tissue is required it’s a therapists patience, not physical force, that allows for access into these layers; whether it’s all the warming and softening of the superficial layers, or the slow easing through those layers en route to the deeper muscle tissue below; the key is not force, but focus.

A therapist must know how to sink into and through muscle layers to reach the deeper muscles and fascia and properly manipulate the problem area. This is most easily done with ‘sharper tools,’ i.e. knuckles, forearms, and elbows (oh my).

All in all, “Deep Tissue” is really just a therapists best-marketing-friend because EVERYONE wants deep tissue massage. But know that a therapist who promotes “no pain, no gain” deep tissue massage may leave you in a worse state than when you arrived for your session. The goal is not to cause more muscle contraction; it’s to release chronic and acute tension, and re-educate the muscle fibers. C’mon now!

Hope this gives you a better idea of deep tissue massage. Find out more about the art and science of massage therapy at my website, www.brainbodymassage.com, and let’s book your next session soon.

Brain & Body: Now Serving Orange County

The rumours are true … I’ve moved to Orange County. After living my entire life in the San Fernando Valley, the family and I moved down the 405 to South Orange County.

And since the 60-80 miles separating the two areas could take anywhere from on to four hours, you may be wondering … What about my massages!?

Well, I’m here (on this blog) writing to tell you I will not be a stranger and will be visiting the Valley for massage business almost weekly; usually all day Friday & Saturday. The rest of the week I’ll be in South Orange County building my private business in the area with mobile out-calls, local events, spa parties and more.

Wanted to keep you all posted as things happened, and now that the dust has settled I was finally able to solidify my schedule and availability for massage in the San Fernando Valley/ Los Angeles area.

If you have any questions or are ready to schedule your 1st massage, contact me! See you all over Southern California, delivering mindful muscle manipulation from crown to sole.

Declare Your Independence from Tension: July 2017 Special

17.76% Off Massages in July

Celebrate July 4th all month long with Brain & Body Massage: All regularly priced massages in July receive 17.76% off!!! Enjoy independence from soft tissue tension and pain with a deep, rejuvenating massage therapy session delivered right to your door.

Contact Jason today to discuss your bodywork needs and schedule your massage.

July 17.75% Prices
60 minutes   $89   $73
90 minutes   $119   $97
120 minutes   $149   $122

Note: Travel fees may apply. Cannot be combined with other offers or deals.

Enjoy 20% Off Back-to-Back Massages: June 2017

What’s better than a massage? Sharing the wonders and benefits of massage therapy with your partner, friends, and family, of course!

During the entire month of June I’m offering 20% off back-to-back massages delivered right to your door. Who doesn’t want to spread the joy of massage AND savings with the ones they love?

THE MATH: You + Someone = Massage x 20% off!

Note: Travel fees may apply. See BrainBodyMassage.com for full details and pricing. If you have any questions/requests, please feel free to contact me.

Start your summer by bringing waves of relaxation to your inner beach with a massage by Jason Brain.

Brain & Body Massage
Mindful muscle manipulation from crown to sole

(818) 875-0585
CAMTC Certification #72857
AMTA Insured #1361649

*Massages must be back-to-back and performed in the same location. Can be applied to a 3rd massage, as well. Discount applies only to massages of full price; cannot be combined with other offers and promotions.*