It’s official: I’ve opened my massage studio in Encino! I’m working to create a space to escape your stressful days and restless nights on Ventura Blvd.
Tucked inside the office of a Doctor of Acupuncture & Traditional ChineseMedicine, the studio is a peaceful room for our sessions located on the 2nd floor at 17000 Ventura Blvd (above The Stand restaurant). The location features free parking behind the building, well lit grounds at night, clean bathrooms, and secure access.
I currently have availability BY APPOINTMENT ONLY on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. And I’m currently running a promotion for 1st timers to the studio through the rest of 2017: Choose $20 off or 30 extra minutes!
Contact me to schedule your 1st appointment in the studio this week!
Celebrate July 4th all month long with Brain & Body Massage: All regularly priced massages in July receive 17.76% off!!! Enjoy independence from soft tissue tension and pain with a deep, rejuvenating massage therapy session delivered right to your door.
Contact Jason today to discuss your bodywork needs and schedule your massage.
What’s better than a massage? Sharing the wonders and benefits of massage therapy with your partner, friends, and family, of course!
During the entire month of June I’m offering 20% off back-to-back massages delivered right to your door. Who doesn’t want to spread the joy of massage AND savings with the ones they love?
THE MATH: You + Someone = Massage x 20% off!
Note: Travel fees may apply. See for full details and pricing. If you have any questions/requests, please feel free to contact me.
Start your summer by bringing waves of relaxation to your inner beach with a massage by Jason Brain.
Brain & Body Massage Mindful muscle manipulation from crown to sole
*Massages must be back-to-back and performed in the same location. Can be applied to a 3rd massage, as well. Discount applies only to massages of full price; cannot be combined with other offers and promotions.*
Can you believe it!? I’ve been a certified massage therapist for over a month now! [Insert ridiculous emojis here] In just one short month I’ve started working at a local Equinox Gym’s spa, begun my private mobile massage business, and started enjoying all the side-perks of providing body work … i.e. the aches and pains. And while everyone’s “issues in the tissues” are unique depending on work, lifestyle, etc., there’s one thing everyone can agree on; muscle tension sucks.
Unfortunately, most people can’t afford to get massages daily (looking at you Beyonce). So how do we go about our routines without succumbing to the pain?Two words, one hyphen: Self-care. According to Wikipedia, “self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated.” This means that self-care is a choice for one’s wellness and quality of life.
If it weren’t for self care, there’s no way I’d be able to do massage for a living, day in and day out. Then again, even before massage therapy, I dealt with constant back and wrist pain. My self-care practice has been growing for nearly a decade and is still expanding with new industry ideas and products one the market. When I think about self care, I have 3 Ts that get me through: Techniques, Tools, and Therapies.
Tai Chi
Techniques: We often feels sore, tense, dis-ease because we are doing something that throws our bodies out of harmony: poor posture, insufficient diet or water, repetitive actions, etc. When we recognize these patterns, it’s important to adjust our actions to bring our bodies back into a healthy homeostasis, and then strengthen them. Whether this mean better posture, stretching frequently, using correct body mechanics throughout the day, or adding practices like yoga, tai chi, or pilates into your routine are great ways to reduce muscle tension and improve overall wellness.
Therapies: Sometimes we need more than tools and techniques. Sometimes we need the help of specialists in the field of ‘bodies.’ And I know this may not seem like “self-care” per se, but the choice of seeking out auxiliary assistance that western medicine may not prescribe is a huge step in taking care of ones-self. From chiropractic to accupuncture, Rolfing or martial arts, there’s many doctors and masters with great knowledge and application of the systems of the body who can help with acute or chronic pain. And in my experience, I’ve come to find a great appreciation and deeper understanding of how to use correct techniques and proper tools for self-care through the bodywork and philosophies of these therapists.
I hope this helps you either look into self-care for the 1st time or maybe opened up new potentials for how to take care of your aches and pains. Of course, one of the best self-care practices you can start is regularly scheduled massages. Massage therapy provides incredible physiologic and emotional benefits supported by numerous scientific studies. When you’re ready to begin your massage self-care regimen, CONTACTBrain & Body Massage to discuss your needs and what modalities and regularity might work best for you.
Share this post with friends and family who might need some ponters to get their self-care practice underway! Spread the self-care!